Experimental and Nonexperimental Analyses Compared
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Benson, Kjell, and Arthur Jr. Hartz. 2000. “A Comparison of Observational Studies and Randomized Controlled Trials.” New England Journal of Medicine 342: 1878–86.
Friedlander, Daniel, and Philip K. Robins. 1995. “Evaluating Program Evaluations: New Evidence on Commonly Used Nonexperimental Methods.” American Economic Review 85: 923–37.
Glazerman, Steven, Dan M. Levy, and David Myers. 2003. “Nonexperimental versus Experimental Estimates of Earnings Impacts.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 589: 63–93.
LaLonde, Robert J. 1986. “Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with Experimental Data.” American Economic Review 76: 604–20.