General Treatments
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Adcock, Robert, Eric Grynaviski, David E. Banks, Joseph O’Mahoney, John G. Gunnell, and Patrick Thaddeus Jackson. 2010. “Symposium: Patrick Thaddeus Jackson’s The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations.” Qualitative and Multi-Method Research: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on Qualitative and Multi-Method Research 8: 3–24.
Boyd, Richard, Philip Gasper, and J.D. Trout. 1991. “Glossary.” In The Philosophy of Science, edited by Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper, and J.D. Trout. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Chernoff, Fred. 2005. The Power of International Theory: Reforging the Link to Foreign Policy-Making through Scientific Enquiry. London: Routledge.
Chernoff, Fred. 2004. “The Study of Democratic Peace and Progress in International Relations.” International Studies Review 6: 49–78.
Elman, Colin, and Miriam Elman. 2003. Progress in International Relations Theory: Appraising the Field. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Gillies, Donald. 1993. Philosophy of Science in the Twentieth Century: Four Central Themes. Oxford: Blackwell.
Haas, Peter M., Andrew Bennett, Alice D. Ba, T.V. Paul, Rudra Sil, and Peter J. Katzenstein. 2010. “Symposium: Beyond Paradigms and Research Programs?” Qualitative and Multi-Method Research: Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section on Qualitative and Multi-Method Research 8: 5–24.
Kurki, Milja. 2006. “Causes of a Divided Discipline: Rethinking the Concept of Cause in International Relations Theory.” Review of International Studies 32: 189–216.
Miller, Richard W. 1987. Fact and Method: Explanation, Confirmation and Reality in the Natural and the Social Sciences. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Rosenberg, Alexander. 1988. Philosophy of Social Science. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Sil, Rudra, and Eileen Doherty. 2000. Beyond Boundaries? Disciplines, Paradigms, and Theoretical Integration in International Studies. Albany: State University of New York Press.